**Gearbox: An OpenGL Utility Library** *(We don't need no stinkin' scene graphs!)* Over the years I've put together a bunch of graphics tools into an open-source library, consisting primarily of shader/texture/model loaders, along with some other utility functions for things like Beziers, Vector/Matrix math, tangent/bitangent/normal generation, etc. It's great when I've needed to put together a quick demo, or proof-of-concept. Although I've been slowly moving to Vulkan (mainly for hardware-accelerated ray tracing), it's still useful for quick projects now and then. It's been used to develop a light space perspective shadow map (LiSPSM) algorithm for a vehicle simulation, character animation in a crowd simulation, and a basic water simulation (see my article on the reflection matrix). Additionally, the math classes were used to write several ray tracers. It's lightweight, cross-platform, and quick to compile. Have a look over on github!